V&V Walsh is proud to celebrate the first shipment of Chilled lamb into China under their Amelia Park brand.
V&V Walsh公司非常高兴,首批Amelia Park品牌冰鲜羔羊肉产品成功登陆中国市场。
The brand is already well established in the Western Australian retail and food service sector, and the company has spent years working closely with Australian farmers to ensure the lambs meet the quality expectations of their customers.
Amelia Park品牌冰鲜羔羊肉在西澳大利亚州的零售业与餐饮业享有良好声誉。 多年来,V&V Walsh公司高度重视,并全程参与幼龄羔羊的筛选、饲养与管理,以确保送达到客户手中的每一份羔羊肉产品都能以卓越的品质满足顾客的需求与期待。
All the lambs are hand selected and very young, between 5 and 12 months old, guaranteeing the meat is always very tender and mild tasting.
加工羔羊肉的羔羊全部都是经过精心挑选的幼龄羔羊(羊龄介于5至12个月之间)。 得益于幼龄羔羊的优秀品质,羔羊肉具备了鲜嫩多汁、口味温和的特质。
V&V Walsh are currently the only company in both Australia and New Zealand to have the license to export Chilled lamb into China and very pleased to announce their first shipment of Amelia Park Lamb.
目前,V&V Walsh公司是澳大利亚和新西兰两国唯一一家获得向中国市场出口冰鲜羔羊肉许可的企业。对于首批Amelia Park羔羊肉产品成功登陆中国市场, 该公司感到非常荣幸。
Located in Bunbury, Western Australia the family owned company has over 60 years’ experience in the meat industry and has more than a 1000 staff working at one of the largest meat processing sites in Australia.
V&V Walsh公司位于西澳大利亚州班布里市。作为一个家族企业,其在肉制品加工领域有着超过60年的丰富经验,员工人数超过1000人。经过多年的发展壮大,该企业已跻身澳大利亚最大的肉制品加工企业行列。
All the Chilled lamb products are ‘vacuum packed’, which removes all the air from the packaging before sealing in the freshness and flavour. Vacuum packed meat can be kept in the refrigerator for weeks until it is required for cooking. Because the meat has not been frozen it retails all its moisture and wonderful lamb flavour.
所有冰鲜羔羊肉产品全部采用真空包装。包装过程中,空气被及时抽离,产品处于良好的真空状态。此外,由于冰鲜羔羊肉未经冷冻处理,肉质的新鲜度、风味和水分得到了最大限度的保持。开封食用前, 您可以放心地将其放在冰箱里冷藏数周。
General Manager of V&V Walsh, Mr Peter Walsh has been travelling and doing business in China for well over 20 years and is very pleased that the Amelia Park chilled lamb is now available in China for customers to enjoy.
V&V Walsh总经理彼得·沃尔什先生与中国企业有着20多年的友好交往。对于Amelia Park冰鲜羔羊肉产品能够成功进入中国市场,他感到非常荣幸,并希望该产品能满足中国顾客对美味的不断需求。
“We have so many Chinese visitors to Australia that always enjoy sampling and eating our Amelia Park lamb. They always ask, ‘what makes the meat so tender and why doesn’t it have a strong smell or taste’. We explain, Amelia Park lambs are always very young animals and come from an area recognised as one of the most environmentally friendly regions in the world”
“非常多到澳大利亚旅行的中国游客喜欢我们的产品。在品尝由Amelia Park冰鲜羔羊肉烹饪的菜肴的过程中,他们经常会问:为什么这种羔羊肉的肉质会如此鲜嫩,且没有膻味。 我们解释道,Amelia Park羔羊肉良好的品质,得益于其全部由生长在世界上最佳天然环境的幼龄羔羊加工而成。”
“It is a very special day for our company and the hard-working Australian farmers that supply us lambs, and a special day for our new trading partners and their customers in China.” - Peter Walsh
“对V&V Walsh公司与辛勤劳作的澳大利亚农民而言,这是一个具有特殊意义的时刻,他们通过紧密合作,生产出了品质出众的产品。对我们在中国的贸易伙伴,以及他们的客户而言,同样也是一个非常重要的时刻。” - 彼得·沃尔什